I'm probably going to disappear again for a few weeks. Sweet Mister just learned this week that he'll undergo a total knee replacement next week. I covet your prayers for him during the next month. In the meantime, I wanted to take the opportunity to share the second table that I designed for the Theta Flaming Festival.
This one definitely sets that "ladies who lunch" atmosphere.
The Bormioli hot pink charger is always a winner. Today it holds the Coalport Exotic Bird dinner plate, a colorful Copeland Spode accent plate, and the Glastonbury-Lotus chiller & under plate. Stemware includes the Waterford Simply Lilac and the Glastonbury-Lotus Goldenrod goblets. Did you spy the Mackenzie-Childs individual salt and pepper sets?
A simple centerpiece comprised of a Hutschenreuther pink and white tureen, a quartet of pink Fenton coin dot bowls filled with green Hydrangeas, and two pair of Val St. Lambert crystal candlesticks only took moments to assemble.
Gold tone flatware and lime green hemstitched napkins finished the place settings. The individual rose posies at each place are placed in an assortment of small Waterford vases that I've collected over the years.
Giving my design an exclamation point....the crystal decanters were great finds from Tuesday Morning.