The Tales of the Traveling Totes is a quarterly link party that chronicles the travels and activities of ten women who live all across the United States. Our purpose is to learn how much of the world can 10 average women, carrying the same MacKenzie-Childs Courtly Check Tote, see. You can read tales about our adventures on March 1st, June 1st, September 1, and December 1st. I am thrilled to participate with this amazing group of women. At the end of my post, you'll find links to join the other toters and read what they've been doing this quarter.
The first quarter of 2022, has found Miss Carrie Ann Hall and me right here at home, yet again, for the entire quarter. I figure if I can't travel, I can certainly take the opportunity to invite as many of my friends as possible to gather around my tables and share, good food, great fun, and cherished fellowship. I've saved a chair for you at each of my luncheons. I've continued to entertain many friends over the past quarter. Tonight I want to share a pair of tablescapes that celebrate St. Patrick's Day. Hope you like green! Come on in; the party is about to get started...
Green has not alway been on my list of decorating, or clothing, or entertaining colors. As the years have flown by that has definitely evolved, and now I have a great time incorporating it into my table designs. It's become quite the adventure!
I was hunting for goodies at an estate sale, and all of a sudden I happened upon this soft and lovely green set of dinner plates. Fire King Jadeite Green Alice immediately caught my eye. There were 13 dinner plates available, and I bought every one of them for $3.00 a plate. I had no idea that I was obviously on a treasure hunt, and these dishes that had begun their life as restaurant/diner ware in the 30's and 40's, were now quite valuable. Score for me. Several years lates, again at an estate sale, I found a set of 24 of what is known as the "Lotus Plate and Bowl, also for a bargain. I hadn't known how special they were, and evidently neither did their sellers. Yay me!
The Michael Weems green goblet turned out to be quite compatible with the plate stack. It also played well with the Minton Optic Green Stem Wine. I really love mixing old and new.
The Jadeite large pedestal bowl was a fortunate find at an antique show at the fair grounds. It was incredibly reasonable at $25.00. I've never come across another one. It's one of my favorite Jadeite pieces.
The Jadeite tumblers were great for the topiary balls marching down the center of our antique English pine harvest table, acquired from Charles Faudrée many years ago. It's used all the time.
In the dining room, I set another St. Pat's table for 10. This time I was excited to pull out some of the Bernardaud Limoges Artois Green. I acquired this from a delightful Havilland dealer who became a friend years ago when I was first becoming serious about collecting. Haviland was my first journey into collecting dishes.

The Artois Green is a rather delicate design. It took several trips to China Town to discover the best charger plate to reside under the dinner plate. The chargers don't have a brand on the back, and they were again an estate sale score. The silver, Reed & Barton Grand Renaissance, is my wedding silver. I'd choose it again. Now I haven't been any place of note, but one of my spoons is going to make a cross country trip to North Carolina. I accidentally dropped it in the disposal ! Oh well, it's the first one I've wounded in 53 years.
The green crystal pedestal bowl is one of a pair...another estate sale get. I take lots of journeys to estate sales. It seemed an obvious choice for St. Patrick's Day. Val St. Lambert crystal candle sticks, and a pair of the Bernardaud Artois tureens were all I needed for the centerpiece.
Completing the place settings were our Nana's white Marjab Madeira napkins. They are so delicate and always a treat to use. The green wine goblet is Arabella by AJKA, and the crystal water goblet is Sutton by Cash Crystal, an Irish manufacturer. The Sutton goblets are very inexpensive, like $5.00 each, when I bought them on eBay.
Thought you might enjoy a close up of the Artois tureen.
And finally, the Coalport Country Ware Shamrock Butter Cover often only finds its way to the table top on St. Patrick's Day. It always seems to really enjoy a good vacation away from China Town where it abides the rest of each year.
I hope you will join us for our next Tale:
Thank you for stopping by for a visit. It means so very much! I hope that you'll leave me a comment. I'd love for us to get to know each other, no matter the miles between us.