Sunday, December 1, 2019

Tales of the Traveling Totes, #20 and Giveaway, Niagara Falls, 12.1.19

Welcome to another adventure of The Tales of the Traveling Tote. This is where my fellow Tales of the Traveling Tote friends and I share our latest travels, p
Welcome to the Tales of the Traveling Totes, where my fellow travelers and I share our latest adventures, projects, and current events. At the end of my post you will find links to visit our other members and learn about how to register for our giveaway. I'm so glad you've stopped by.

The last time the Tales of the Traveling Totes convened, I shared the day that I spent with fellow toter, Patti, in Clayton, New York. Prior to heading to Clayton, Sweet Mister and I took a detour to Niagara Falls for him to see the falls for the first time. I had seen them decades ago as a child, and I was equally awestruck this time. Carrie Ann and I were thrilled to be able to capture a ton of pics of the falls on the American and the Canadian sides. The first day we arrived on the American side shortly before sunset. I shot until I depleted my camera battery. I wanted to share a few of my pics with you...

"New York, New York, what a wonderful town!"

Niagara Falls, such a majestic jewel of our country.

Looking toward the Canadian side and our destination for the night.

Carrie Ann grabbed an early morning perspective of the American and Canadian falls before we boarded the Horn Blower for a ride.

From the mist which rose from the boulders at the base of the falls...

to the incredible vista of the falls as they came careening over the top, it was an unforgettable moment in our lovely time in Niagara Falls. If you haven't seen the falls, make plans now! It's not to be missed.

Thank you so much for stopping by for a visit. I appreciate each and every one of your comments. You make my day each time you touch base. Thank you!

  Our hostess for this episode of Tales of the Traveling Totes is Emily @ The French Hutch. Be sure to drop by to visit her and leave a comment to be entered in a give away for these precious MacKenzie-Childs holiday dish towels.


Find out where the rest of the traveling totes have been lately. These creative and talented ladies are so much fun, and you'll enjoy sharing each of their journeys.

                                   Debbie with Miss Aurora @ Mountain Breaths 
Emily with Miss Courtney ChildsThe French Hutch
Jenna with Miss Coquille @The Painted Apron
Linda P with Miss Lola @ Life and Linda
 Patti with Miss Kenzie @ Pandora's Box
Rita with Miss Luna C Panoply 
Sarah with Miss Merri Mac @ Hyacinths for the Soul
Jackie and Miss Madi K @ Purple Chocolat Home
Ricki Jill and Countess De Monet @ The Sketchy Reader
Cherry Kay and Carrie Ann Hall @ Entertaining Women  

Welcome to another adventure of The Tales of the Traveling Tote. This is where my fellow Tales of the Traveling Tote friends and I share our latest travels, p Welcome to the Tales of the Traveling...

Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Fun in the Sun - a Special Edition of the Tales of the Traveling Tote....and a GIVEAWAY!

The Tales of the Traveling Tote is a series of adventures that share where our Mackenzie Childs tote bags have taken us.  At least four times a year a group of bloggers each write a connected post about the places we have been. We have built incredible friendships through our blogs and we hope you enjoy our tales as much as we do!

Hi! Carrie Ann Hall here. I'm that faithful MacKenzie-Childs Courtly Check Tote who nudges Cherry Kay, a.k.a., Entertaining Women, to get out and see the world every now and again. We were recently in Clayton, New York, where Cherry Kay and Sweet Mister met up with some lifetime friends who have kept their boat on the St. Lawrence Seaway many summers. One of our days really stood out to me, and I know that Cherry Kay would agree. So....
I was hanging out on in one of the lovely colored chairs along the seaway when I noticed another beautiful tote relaxing right next to me. Oh my! It was none other than Miss Kenzie, who travels with Patti of Pandora's Box! Would you believe it; we could have been twins. I was in heaven having the time to get to know her one on one, but we agreed that we needed to make sure that Patti and Cherry Kay had the opportunity to get to know each other, too. Now, where did we leave them?

Here they are. Miss Kenzie and I were thrilled to get them together on the grounds of the beautiful Thousand Islands Hotel, where Cherry Kay and her Sweet Mister stayed. We agreed to let them be in the picture with us. They immediately took to each other. Chat, chat, would have thought they had been friends for many years. Frankly, Miss Kenzie and I could barely get a word in edge-wise.

We were in agreement that there were some really funny stories shared, but none of them appeared to be Fish Tales of any magnitude at all. 

I also introduced Patti and Miss Kenzie to Cherry Kay and Sweet Mister's hostess, Jean. She was a wealth of information about the incredibly charming town of Clayton, N.Y. She took us to visit the Thousand Islands Art Center, and we ran into this lovely little lady on the front lawn. She seemed happy enough to pose with Patti and Jean, but she didn't seem to have a lot to say. 

We stopped to rest in this delightful garden next to the River Magic Gift Shop, featuring a lovely selection by area artists. Cherry Kay bought a good number of gifts at this shop; three guesses who had to "Hall" them back to the hotel...Miss Carrie Ann Hall, of course!

We did return to the hotel briefly where the three ladies enjoyed a really delicious looking lunch. They decided to split an elegant dessert of Chocolate Mousse Bon Bons, but they only split it three ways. Hello???? All I was allowed to do was pose for Cherry Kay's pic with the dessert. Really????

Back out on the quaint streets of Clayton, the ladies let us "hang out" in a giant chair in front of the PopCorn Company for another photo op. Can't blame them because everywhere that we went, shoppers commented on how beautiful we are. I'm blushing.

Visit the other Traveling Tote wanderers to see how they have been having "fun in the sun"

Cherry Kay and Carrie Ann Hall @ Entertaining Women YOU ARE HERE!

NOW, for the giveaway:

Just leave a comment Patti@ Pandora's Box to be entered for a chance to win this "Butler's Pantry Dish Towel"

If you leave an "anonymous" comment, don't forget to leave your email addy!!

The Tales of the Traveling Tote is a series of adventures that share where our Mackenzie Childs tote bags have taken us.  At least four times a year a group of bloggers each write a connected post...

Monday, June 3, 2019

Tales of the Traveling Tote #19

Hello friends, time to share The Tales of The Traveling Tote.  I named my tote Carrie Ann.  Four times a year, we were asked as always to take our trusty totes with us on one of our adventures, be it near or far. We also have a giveaway; you can find the details at the bottom of this post.

It's been raining pretty much solid out here on the prairie for more than a month. Sweet Mister and I are blessed that we have not had to deal with any flooding. There are many in our state who have not been so fortunate. Please, keep them in your prayers.
This morning broke with some welcome sunshine, so Carrie Ann and I grabbed my favorite MacKenzie Childs bumbershoot because rain was forecast once again before noon. We took a moment to snap a pick with the early blooms on one of my hydrangea bushes before heading to one of my favorite events, the Antique American Glass Club Spring Luncheon. Today I'll share the first episode in a series of posts on the lovely tables designed by various members of the Glass Club. Although you might want to grab a rain coat, I can assure you that once inside, we'll find Spring in bloom!
....Please, join me!

This year the speaker was a delightful executive from Vietri. A number of the members chose to design their tables with a selection of their favorite Vietri pieces. My hostess designed this gorgeous tablescaper using Vietri Ribbon dinner plates.

She also used the Vietri Gold Ruffolo glass charger plates and the Gorgeous Vietri Salad in Baroque Glass white sating with gold trim. The Vietri aqua optic goblet and Glastonbury Lotus Goldenrod goblet were the perfect point-counterpoint of old and new. The antique figural lace cloth and the Royal Copenhagen cups and saucers also added to her "everything old is new again" design.

The beautiful dolls ended up being the perfect finishing touch. Everyone who looked at this table fell in love with these exquisite music boxes.

A second table featured a table of mix and match Vietri.

I don't know the name of this Vietri collection, but I love the graphics on each of the accent plates. I'm pretty certain that the MacKenzie-Childs beaded butterfly napkin ring has already caught your attention. I was smitten with the unexpected choice of the powder blue rose bowls filled with beautiful florals as the centerpiece. I think that the light blue was an inspired design choice and elevated the entire table to a level of elegance. I'm pretty certain that by now you've noticed the Mackenzie-Childs beaded Courtly Check napkin rings. They are superb. I asked the hostess if she used these to honor Carrie Ann Hall and the rest of the Traveling Totes. She replied, "But, of course."

Finally, I want to share another tablescaper that chose Vietri for her design. You might recognize the gorgeous Vietri goblets in an assortment of colors. They are just amazing. I will share that a number of guests at the luncheon, who happened to collect these goblets said that they were a nightmare when it came to chipping. That is certainly an important point to factor in when buying them. Just how careful would you be willing to be with them?

Definitely one of my favorite things at the luncheon were the amazing Vietri shell containers from the Onda Glass collection, used for the centerpieces. They are stunning, and by the way, they are still in production.

This large bowl just might have to be one of my acquisitions! I'll be back in coming weeks to share more of the tables from this absolutely elegant luncheon. I hope that you'll join me, and thanks for stopping to visit today. Please, be sure to pop over to explore the adventures of the rest of the ladies and their Tales of the Traveling Totes.

Debbie with Miss Aurora @ Mountain Breaths 
Emily with Miss Courtney ChildsThe French Hutch
 Patti with Miss Kenzie @ Pandora's Box
Jenna with Miss Coquille @The Painted Apron
Linda P with Miss Lola @ Life and Linda
Rita with Miss Luna C Panoply 
Sarah with Miss Merri Mac @ Hyacinths for the Soul
Jackie and Miss Madi K @ Purple Chocolat Home
Ricki Jill and Countess De Monet @ The Sketchy Reader
Cherry Kay and Carrie Ann Hall @ Entertaining Women  

July 31st, we will have a special post, "Fun in the Sun!"

Hello friends, time to share The Tales of The Traveling Tote.  I named my tote Carrie Ann.  Four times a year, we were asked as always to take our trusty totes with us on one of our adventures, be...

Thursday, February 28, 2019

The Tales of the Traveling Tote #18 & Giveaway

It's time once again for Tales of the Traveling Totes #18, and I am elated to be your hostess for our giveaway this week. It's really easy to enter the giveaway. All you need to do is leave me a comment, and you'll automatically be entered to win! I'll accept entries for several weeks, and then I'll draw and announce the name of our winner. 

It was a typical blistering hot early September day out here on the prairie. Patches and I prepared the Courtly Check champagne bucket at the Oklahoma City Museum of Art, and this time we're welcoming guests.

Cathy, Denna Fo, Sheila, and yours truly gathered at the Museum Cafe to celebrate Denna Fo's birthday. We needed to decide whether we were going to check out the current exhibit at the Museum of Art, or go shopping. Lucky for us, The visiting collection was Isabelle Borchgrave's "Fashioning Art From Paper". Wait until you see what we found!

Note: This a photo intensive post. Go quickly or go slowly and read the descriptions provided for many of the sculptures; I think you'll enjoy it immensely either way. The fashions are spectacular, and REMEMBER; Every bit of every item is made of PAPER! Also, where you see a patterned 'fabric', the pattern has been painted onto the paper. One fun fact: The laces and other complex textured 'fabrics' are created from what is called 'gauze paper'. This is one of my favorite exhibits that I've ever explored. I have my personal favorites picked out; I want to know which ones are your favorites, too. I won't be commenting as we go along because you would be here for several days. Okay, here we go.... Be brave...have a blast!



I'm so glad that you could join me for this majestic and out of this world creative journey! We were able to take a great trip, and it was in air conditioned comfort from start to finish. On a mored sober note, The Tales of the Traveling Tote blogging group covet your thoughts and prayers for our fellow toter RJ @ Sketchy Reader as she is away caring for a family member. There is incredible power in the united prayers of women and mothers. Thank you for taking time this week to lift RJ and her family in your thoughts and prayers.

march giveaway2019.jpeg
All you have to do to be entered to win these precious MacKenzie-Childs bunny candles is leave me a comment. Then pirouette over to the other posts and check out the adventures from the other talented, fun, and creative members of Tales of the Traveling Tote. You be glad you made the journey!

Debbie with Miss Aurora @ Mountain Breaths 
Emily with Miss Courtney ChildsThe French HutchThe French Hutch
 Patti with Miss Kenzie @ Pandora's BoxPandora's Box 
Jenna with Miss Coquille @The Painted ApronThe Painted ApronThe Painted Apron
Linda P with Miss Lola @ Life and LindaLife and Linda
Rita with Miss Luna C PanoplyPanoply 
Sarah with Miss Merri Mac @ Hyacinths for the SoulHyacinths for the Soul
Jackie and Miss Madi K @ Purple Chocolat HomePurple Chocolat Home

Cherry Kay and Carrie Ann Hall @ Entertaining Women  Entertaining Women

And don't forget:

This week I'm joining:

Tablescape Thursday with Susan @ Between Naps on the Porch

Dishing & Digging It #242 w/ Linda @ Life & Linda

It's time once again for Tales of the Traveling Totes #18, and I am elated to be your hostess for our giveaway this week. It's really easy to enter the giveaway. All you need to do is leave...

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