The Tales of the Traveling Tote is a series of adventures that share where our Mackenzie Childs tote bags have taken us. At least four times a year a group of bloggers each write a connected post about the places we have been. We have built incredible friendships through our blogs and we hope you enjoy our tales as much as we do!
Hi! Carrie Ann Hall here. I'm that faithful MacKenzie-Childs Courtly Check Tote who nudges Cherry Kay, a.k.a., Entertaining Women, to get out and see the world every now and again. We were recently in Clayton, New York, where Cherry Kay and Sweet Mister met up with some lifetime friends who have kept their boat on the St. Lawrence Seaway many summers. One of our days really stood out to me, and I know that Cherry Kay would agree. So....
I was hanging out on in one of the lovely colored chairs along the seaway when I noticed another beautiful tote relaxing right next to me. Oh my! It was none other than Miss Kenzie, who travels with Patti of Pandora's Box! Would you believe it; we could have been twins. I was in heaven having the time to get to know her one on one, but we agreed that we needed to make sure that Patti and Cherry Kay had the opportunity to get to know each other, too. Now, where did we leave them?
Here they are. Miss Kenzie and I were thrilled to get them together on the grounds of the beautiful Thousand Islands Hotel, where Cherry Kay and her Sweet Mister stayed. We agreed to let them be in the picture with us. They immediately took to each other. Chat, chat, would have thought they had been friends for many years. Frankly, Miss Kenzie and I could barely get a word in edge-wise.
We were in agreement that there were some really funny stories shared, but none of them appeared to be Fish Tales of any magnitude at all.
I also introduced Patti and Miss Kenzie to Cherry Kay and Sweet Mister's hostess, Jean. She was a wealth of information about the incredibly charming town of Clayton, N.Y. She took us to visit the Thousand Islands Art Center, and we ran into this lovely little lady on the front lawn. She seemed happy enough to pose with Patti and Jean, but she didn't seem to have a lot to say.
We did return to the hotel briefly where the three ladies enjoyed a really delicious looking lunch. They decided to split an elegant dessert of Chocolate Mousse Bon Bons, but they only split it three ways. Hello???? All I was allowed to do was pose for Cherry Kay's pic with the dessert. Really????
Back out on the quaint streets of Clayton, the ladies let us "hang out" in a giant chair in front of the PopCorn Company for another photo op. Can't blame them because everywhere that we went, shoppers commented on how beautiful we are. I'm blushing.
Visit the other Traveling Tote wanderers to see how they have been having "fun in the sun":
Cherry Kay and Carrie Ann Hall @ Entertaining Women YOU ARE HERE!
NOW, for the giveaway:
Just leave a comment Patti@ Pandora's Box to be entered for a chance to win this "Butler's Pantry Dish Towel"
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