First things first...We are truly blessed to have the means to set a pretty table and invite our friends to join us for good food and fellowship. I am mindful that many are not so fortunate. My daughter has a passion for the work of the Food Bank. As a singer-songwriter, she has written and recorded a song that is the anthem for the world wide Crop Hunger Walk project. Her song, "Raise Your Voice" is featured in their video. I've included a link in the side margin of my blog. I hope that it will encourage you to support projects in your community that contribute to the effort to overcome hunger.
Today I was blessed to host my treasured Garden Friends Bible Study, as we celebrated two precious January birthday girls. I had such a good time creating my tablescape. I was operating outside of my normal comfort zone, and I decided that I need to embrace such opportunities more frequently. The color of the day was yellow...definitely not one of my "go-to" colors...but hey, I could learn to love it.
My inspiration for today's table was the yellow, cream, and gray toile tablecloth. I bought a lot of them on eBay this fall, primarily to use on the back porch when I'm hosting larger groups and want at least three tables. This is actually two tablecloths that I have layered.
To disguise the spot where the two tablecloths intersected, I laid an antique lace square that belonged to Nana in the center of the table. I like the texture of the lace against the furls and garlands in the pattern of the toile, and the cream color added a soft, romantic touch.
My second inspiration for this design was this old Mottahedeh Tureen, called "Lady Attended by Cupids." I thought that it was a natural choice to use with the toile tablecloth. It was an eBay auction 'win', and I won't even tell you what an amazing 'get' I scored on this neat old piece. Some things are just best left unspoken.
The remaining components for my centerpiece included my faithful stand-by Val St. Lambert crystal candlesticks. If you think that they would work well for you, I see them pop up on eBay periodically. I interspersed them with a pair of estate sale black tole containers.
I 'planted' the jardinieres with purple crocus purchased from the grocery store for $6.99 each. I chose the purple because it is the complimentary color for yellow, and because the crocus was wonderful...
...with the AJKA "Arabella" amethyst wine goblets. I also really liked that the shape of the goblet ...
...closely resembled the form of the crocus blossom. Tip: Repetition in elements like color, shape, texture, and pattern can be a very effective design technique.
The amethyst wines were paired with my wonderful new Mikasa "French Countryside" goblets. We finally reached the point where we had to replace our everyday goblets. I've been impressed with the optic design and weight of the "French Countryside" for some time. This is a goblet that rests extremely comfortably in the hand, and it is a generous size. Sweet Mister appreciates the 'heft' of this glass. We bought the large goblet which holds 18 ounces, and this, the medium size goblet holds 15 ounces. It is also available in a smaller wine goblet. I haven't made a decision about the wine glass, yet. I am pleased that my lovely Mikasa stem will work on so many that perfect dress that you can wear to work and then go directly out for a fancy evening on the town.
The vintage heavy linen and organdy monogrammed napkin belonged to my mother-in-law. There is a gorgeous large banquet cloth that matches; I could envision using it, instead of the toile, for a dinner party with couples. The sterling flatware is my wedding silver, Reed and Barton, "Grande Renaissance." Forty-two years later, I would still choose this pattern. I thoroughly enjoy it every single time that I use it. Tip: I highly encourage you brides-to-be to register for sterling flatware. Although you may not use it very much in the early years of your marriage, the day will come when your husband or you need to bring home clients, a boss, or someone else for whom you will want to lay a table using your best things. Silver is definitely expensive, but as a spoon, fork, or knife at a's not hard to accumulate a service. Down the road, trying to afford a complete set at the same time that you are supporting a family with children, can be very overwhelming...potentially out of the realm of possibility.
The starring role for today's luncheon went to my Oxford Bone China by Lenox, "Filagree." "Filagree" is my wedding china. Have you noticed how most young brides choose china with a platinum rim? Although I now lean toward gold accents, at the time, I chose silver, too. I love this pattern with the toile and with the design on the tureen. I anchored the dinner plate with an acrylic black charger from Hobby Lobby. I get a whole lot of mileage out of these chargers, and they are only $1.99 each, available in assorted colors.
As a finishing touch, I topped the dinner plate with a Haviland "Ranson" luncheon plate. I adore the element of the double ruffle on the rim of the plate. Tip: Remember that the French manufacturers luncheon plates are often 8 1/2", smaller than English or American 9 - 9 1/2" luncheon plates. The French version allows a greater portion of the design on the dinner plate to show...doesn't hold as much food, but it's really pretty.
It's a gorgeous, sunny January day here with temperatures in the 60's. I can hardly wait for my cherished Garden Friends to gather around my table. I can already hear the joyous conversation and laughter. I relish the thought that someday...some way... I can have you seated at my table, too.
Thank you, yet again, to Susan at Between Naps on the Porch for hosting her magical meme, "Tablescape Thursday. I'll be linking my post to "Tablescape Thursday. Click below to hop on over and check out the myriad of marvelous tablescape designs, after 9:00 pm on Wednesdays. You'll be glad that you made the's a wonderful adventure.
For Tablescape Thursday, click HERE
I'm excited to link my post to Masterpiece Mondays for the first time. Click the button to hop over to Boogie Board Cottage and join the fun!

For Tablescape Thursday, click HERE
I'm excited to link my post to Masterpiece Mondays for the first time. Click the button to hop over to Boogie Board Cottage and join the fun!
You can check out KC's music at, on iTunes, and on YouTube. I hope that you'll take a few minutes and give her a listen. You'll also enjoy reading back through her blog on this site. The girl can really write! Her latest CD is called "Orchid." It is available on iTunes or through her website. I hope that you'll give her music a chance. I know that I have zero objectivity where she is concerned, but I think that you'll fall in love with her music and her!