Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Wild Game Dinner, 2013

"First things first...We are truly blessed to have the means to set a pretty table and invite our friends to join us for good food and fellowship. I am mindful that many are not so fortunate. My daughter has a passion for the work of the Food Bank. As a singer-songwriter, she has written and recorded a song that is the anthem for the world wide Crop Hunger Walk project. Her song, "Raise Your Voice" is featured in their video. I've included a link in the side margin of my blog.  I hope that it will encourage you to support projects in your community that contribute to the effort to overcome hunger.

This past weekend, we hosted our Third Annual Wild Game Dinner with six other couples.  Once again, the event took place in the home of our friends...a dream location for a large party.  We served an abundant dinner of wild game to about 120 guests.  I'm sharing photos of the home and the tables for our party.  When I downloaded my pictures, I was appalled when I realized that I got so involved in serving the dinner that I failed to get any shots of the food, except for the salad.  Unbelievable!  Comments will be few...for me.  Come on in and join us for the party...

Several tables of eight were located in the living room...

Some guests chose to partake of their dinner in the formal living room...

Simple floral arrangements were spread throughout the home...

The dining room was set for forty...

A nice grade of burlap was used for the tablecloths.  They were lovely...


The breakfast room table held a few hors d'oeuvres and rolled napkins with knives and forks..

The Ducks Unlimited logo...carved from a watermelon...

It was a perfect evening to dine al fresco on the veranda...my favorite spot each year...

The games room provided more seating...

...a delightful powder room...

...and a well stocked bar...

Guests served themselves from the expansive breakfast bar...

I provided my Castleton Laurel and Castleton Regal...also the Wedgwood Countryware (no pics...duh!) for our dinner.

The only food item I captured...we named it "Safari Salad." 

Totally random, but I thought that you might enjoy a few details of the grandchildrens' room...

Great whimsical colors...

Delightful fabrics...

...and an innovative treatment for the bureau.  The design is made from upholstery tacks.  Okay, get out your hammers and go to town!

It was a great evening.  I just finished putting away all of the serving items that I carried to the party and back.  I still have dozens of napkins to iron...well worth the time and effort.  Next year, I promise that I'll get photos of the amazing food!

Wednesday is the 60th edition of Cuisine Kathleen's meme, "Let's Dish".  I'm excited to be a charter member.  Pop over (pun intended for the Chef Supreme Kathleen) and join the fun!

Lots of great ideas to be gathered when you visit Yvonne at Stone Gable for Tutorials, Tips, & Tidbits.  Don't waste another moment...hurry on over!  

Thank you, yet again, to Susan at Between Naps on the Porch for hosting her magical meme,  "Tablescape Thursday."   Hop on over and check out the myriad of marvelous tablescape designs, after 10:00 AM on Thursdays.  You'll be glad that you made the trip...it's a wonderful adventure.

May...lots of entertaining on the horizon.  How about you?  With thankfulness for her dedication and efforts, I'm joining the multi-talented Tablescaper for her fabulous meme  Seasonal Sundays.  Hope to see you there! 

You can check out KC's music at www.kcclifford.com, on iTunes, and on YouTube.  I hope that you'll take a few minutes and give her a listen.  You'll also enjoy reading back through her blog on this site.  The girl can really write!  Her latest CD is called "The Tag Hollow Sessions""  It is available on iTunes or through her website.  I hope that you'll give her music a chance.  I know that I have zero objectivity where she is concerned, but I think that you'll fall in love with her music and her!           

"First things first...We are truly blessed to have the means to set a pretty table and invite our friends to join us for good food and fellowship. I am mindful that many are not so fortunate. My dau...

Thursday, April 25, 2013

The Bavinger House

I am linking my post to Oh, the PLACES I've Been. The Bavinger House by Bruce Goff takes 'bringing the outside in' to a new level...and it was built in the 1950's.  I hope that you enjoy it.  Thank you to "The Tablescaper" for hosting this delightful meme.

Daddy was a new member of the faculty in the Oklahoma University School of Architecture in 1950.  The head of the architecture department was Bruce Goff, Frank Lloyd Wright's famous protege.  Goff designed The Bavinger House, built outside of Norman, Oklahoma.  The house was physically built, mostly on the weekends, by Goff, Bavinger, and a number of faculty and students from the university, including my daddy, from 1950, to 1955.  I remember weekends spent driving out to the house to take lunch to daddy and to see the project in process.  Gene and Nancy Bavinger were family friends. The Bavinger's older son, Bill, was a year younger than I.  Bill was one of my sister's best friends, and we spent many great times at the Bavinger House as children and teenagers.  The house is now recognized as one of the fifteen most important architectural designs in the United States.  For a time, it was opened to the public for visits by Bob Bavinger, Nancy and Gene's younger son.  I stopped by to revisit some old memories, and I couldn't resist taking some photos.  I only had my iPhone, so I hope that the images translate adequately.  I thought that you might enjoy a short tour.    

The view as one approaches the house is pretty amazing.  The roof line starts at ground level and spirals to a peak.  It always made me think of a stone tower surrounded by a sweeping sail.  The main  entrance is to the right of the lowest roof level and down some steps.  The materials are mostly native stones and melted down 'junk glass.'  It always reminded me of the green glass in old Coke bottles.  I can still picture my daddy and others carrying those stones and glass pieces and placing them to create this incredible structure.

After descending the entry steps, the first thing one discovers is this stunningly beautiful patio area.  Can you see the suspension bridge laid through the trees in the upper left of the picture?

The suspension bridge is accessed from within an upper level of the home.  As children we used to scamper across the bridge, which hangs above a deep ravine, to visit the Wilson House, on the other side.  The bridge is actually quite narrow, and I don't think that I would venture out on it now.

Can you see the top of the giant bronze pot just to the right of the patio trees? It's an outdoor fireplace, found on a lower level of the patio.  The table and chairs are original to the home, as are the sculptures.  

This view looks back toward the front door.  This interior wall is built below ground.  Remember the beginning of the roof, almost at ground level?  That's the location of this area.  The junk glass is beautiful as it reflects the sunlight.  There used to be a profusion of gorgeous orchids growing out of the walls.  Bob Bavinger hopes to replant them at some point.  Pretty amazing, right?
The Bavinger House was heated with these stoves; remember that the house was built in the countryside, and there was a minimum of utility service available in 1950.  Behind the stove, notice the recessed area beyond the rock.  There used to be a 'creek' that ran through the house.  It was dammed up at some point.  The large suspended 'saucer' that you see is the living room.  Above the living room, you can see a bit of another 'saucer' that was the Bavinger's master bedroom.  The drapery panels that you can observe could be drawn for privacy.  The large round tubular structure that you see is a closet for the master bedroom.  It's an interesting concept.  Inside the tube, the hanging apparatus is actually a 'lazy susan.'  The closet rack rotates, and provides quite a bit of storage.

From the living room pod, one can see the Master Bedroom pod and above that Bill Bavinger's bedroom.  Follow the stairs higher, and you would reach Gene Bavinger's studio.  In later years, the studio became Bill's bedroom, to make room for younger brother, Bob.  Gene built a new studio in another building on the property.

The interior of the living room pod was in essence a 'sunken living room.  The seating was a built-in part of the pod.  Looking beyond the pod, you can see the huge round table that makes up the dining room.  It has built in seating, and it also rotates.  Originally the dining table had a glass top, but I really like the wood.

Here's a close-up of the 'lazy susan' dining table.  Can you see the giant 'shopping bag' sitting next to the stove?  Nancy Bavinger was a clay artist, and she designed a variety of clay 'shopping bags.' They can be seen displayed throughout the home.

A pair of Nancy's shopping bags, tucked in a niche.

More of Nancy's bags, sitting adjacent to the kitchen, which is incredibly small by today's standards.

More bags, and here you can catch a glimpse of the pond and another stove.

The window at the top of the tower was Gene's studio and housed the exit to the suspension bridge.  Quite a house! 

I am linking my post to Oh, the PLACES I've Been. The Bavinger House by Bruce Goff takes 'bringing the outside in' to a new level...and it was built in the 1950's.  I hope that you enjoy it.  Thank...

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Chelsee's Shower, 4.21.13

"First things first...We are truly blessed to have the means to set a pretty table and invite our friends to join us for good food and fellowship. I am mindful that many are not so fortunate. My daughter has a passion for the work of the Food Bank. As a singer-songwriter, she has written and recorded a song that is the anthem for the world wide Crop Hunger Walk project. Her song, "Raise Your Voice" is featured in their video. I've included a link in the side margin of my blog. During this beautiful season when we celebrate harvest and Thanksgiving, I hope that it will encourage you to support projects in your community that contribute to the effort to overcome hunger.

KC and her friends were back this week, hosting another bridal shower.  This one was for her dear friend, Chelsee.  The hostesses met at our home weeks before the party.  After a trip to the 'china room', they agreed that they wanted to build their design around the...

...Coalport Sevres Group luncheon plates and Nana's antique Italian cutwork figural tablecloth, definitely one of my favorites of her amazing collection of linens. 

The hostesses created a specialty Bellini, and upon entering the house, each guest was offered a "Happily Ever After".  They were served in the flutes that I painted.  These puppies get quite a work out at a number of parties.

 The hostesses, once again, wanted to create an elegant table to honor their dear friend Chelsee.
 Everything is ready and waiting for the foods to be put on the table.

 KC knew that she wanted to use lots of lovely florals.  She bought her flowers at the grocery store, and she created the arrangements the evening before the shower.

KC chose a pair of my silver pitchers, wedding gifts, to flank... 

 ...her own lovely silver wedding basket.  The Val St. Lambert Crystal Candlesticks added yet another spot of shine. 

 I wonder if I can convince her to come do the florals for all of my parties?  I think that she has the magic touch!

 A pair of crystal jam jars provided the punctuation marks for her centerpiece.

Nana's antique crystal bowl held croissants...

...for chicken salad served in Nana's ivory handled silver chafing dish.

Assorted silver pieces... 

...joined the Dorothy Thorpe crystal bowl and the pair of footed silver shell compotes... 

...the Dorothy Thorpe crystal tray...

...and other pieces...

as an elegant base for the delicious treats that the ladies offered their guests.

 Chocolate Cream Sherry Bars...

...Salmon Cream Cheese...

...Coconut Cake...Vegetable Tray...

...Chicken Salad and mini Croissants...

...the blank space would hold Brie en Croute with fruit, which was still in the oven... 

...Chocolate Cake and Chess Squares...

 ...Aahhh...the Brie just came out of the oven...

...to join those Drunk Strawberries.  Yes, they're back.

The plates are ready to be filled.

These young hostesses had everything under control!  They created a gorgeous party to honor their dear friend.  It was a beautiful day, and everyone had a great time!

Wednesday is the 58sth edition of Cuisine Kathleen's meme, "Let's Dish". Her challenge this week is "Birds, Bees, Flowers, & Trees". I hope that I barely qualify with a bounty of flowers.  I'm excited to be a charter member.  Pop over (pun intended for the Chef Supreme Kathleen) and join the fun!

Lots of great ideas to be gathered when you visit Yvonne at Stone Gable for Tutorials, Tips, & Tidbits.  Don't waste another moment...hurry on over!  

Thank you, yet again, to Susan at Between Naps on the Porch for hosting her magical meme,  "Tablescape Thursday."   Hop on over and check out the myriad of marvelous tablescape designs, after 10:00 AM on Thursdays.  You'll be glad that you made the trip...it's a wonderful adventure.

April...time for wedding showers and all the festivities that lead up to the multitude of May and June weddings.  We've already hosted two bridal showers, with two more in the planning stages.  How about you?  With thankfulness for her dedication and efforts, I'm joining the multi-talented Tablescaper for her fabulous meme  Seasonal Sundays.  Hope to see you there! 

You can check out KC's music at www.kcclifford.com, on iTunes, and on YouTube.  I hope that you'll take a few minutes and give her a listen.  You'll also enjoy reading back through her blog on this site.  The girl can really write!  Her latest CD is called "The Tag Hollow Sessions""  It is available on iTunes or through her website.  I hope that you'll give her music a chance.  I know that I have zero objectivity where she is concerned, but I think that you'll fall in love with her music and her!           

"First things first...We are truly blessed to have the means to set a pretty table and invite our friends to join us for good food and fellowship. I am mindful that many are not so fortunate. My d...

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