January is a month full of birthdays for beloved family and friends. This week I was pleased to host a birthday luncheon for my friend, Guyanne, whom I have known and loved since we were in the first grade. We're seated once again at the games table in the living room Thanks to my old stand-by, the flip-top-tabletop, I have prepared a table for six. Please, join me...

Guyanne is a gorgeous blond with sparkling bright blue eyes and peaches and cream complexion. I wanted to created a tablescape that spoke to her gentle personality and beauty.

A combination of soft yellows, blues, lavender pinks, and creamy white-on-white, all fit my desires perfectly. Let's take a look at the playbill for this production...

The Mottahedeh Cornflower Blue Lace charger takes my breath away each time I get to use it. Pictures don't do it justice. It has an amazing jewel like appearance. The creamy yellow matelassé tablecloth was an eBay acquisition. It's reversible to a lovely blue field with yellow motifs.
It's been quite a while since I've used the Copeland Spode Jewel dinner plate. The lace rim and the scalloped verge have such an incredibly wonderful texture. I can't remember the maker for the carved flatware. I do remember that it is antique and was made in Boston. Because I only have the knife and fork, I amended the place setting with the L'Argent Sophia Gold.
An ingenue in my chinatown population, the Royal Ducal unnamed luncheon plate was the inspiration for my design. I love the delicate blue edged scallops, and the intricate embossed rim offered an interesting contrast to the Jewel's lace. I recently picked up a set of 12 of the luncheon plates on ebay for $29.95. I think I received way more than my money's worth!

Go to work, my detail enthusiasts.
To add even more to the color story and the softness, I used the Waterford Simply Blue goblet and the Italian Stelle Pink Scroll goblet. I bought the Stelle goblets at Home Goods. Come to think of it, I haven't been there in quite a while. I need to make a visit!
I love to use the Glass Act handblown mini salt and peppers whenever possible. The tiny silver trays were found at On A Whim, an amazing store that also offers the complete line of

How would I complete a tablescape without at least a small contribution from our dear Nana? I don't know. The white napkin with light blue embroidered touches was used many years ago in her amazing and gorgeous dining room. I'm blessed to have her things for my tables.

And my place setting is complete.

Today's centerpiece continued my soft and fluffy concept. Soft and fluffy...a concept...right? Sure!

The Copeland Spode Jewel tureen...

...was surrounded by a quartet of hydrangeas in a mixture of colors...

...seated in the small Lenox creamy white urns. The tiny blue and white Asian compotes, maybe rice bowls, were found at an estate sales for minimal cost. I've used them as candleholders several times.

For Guyanne's birthday celebration we dined on King Ranch Chicken, a green salad with vinagrette dressing, hot yeast rolls, and once more, Italian Cream Cake from La Baguette.
We laughed until we cried, and we shared cherished good times and fellowship late into the afternoon.
This week I'm joining:
Tablescape Thursday with Susan @ Between Naps on the Porch