Friday, February 3, 2017

Kathy's Birthday, January, 2017

It seems like it's only been moments that I've been back blogging and communicating with all of you.  I think that's why it seems so unreal that I must tell you all that I find myself preparing for another surgery next week.  I have a mass in my left lung that needs to be removed.  All of the tests show that it is not cancer, but it has continued to slowly grow; and my pulmonologist says that it must come out.  Drats!  I was just getting back into the swing of things with my entertaining.  Depending on what must be done to remove the mass, I'll be in the hospital any time from 3 days to 2 weeks.  I'm praying for God's perfect will, whatever that is.  As soon as possible, I'll return to share my tablescapes with you.  I just didn't want you to think that I had dropped off the face of the Earth.  Your prayers are coveted, and I thank you in advance.  It does not go unnoticed by me that I am surrounded by some mighty prayer warriors, and I thank God for you.  In the meantime, I want to share the birthday luncheon that I hosted last week for my dear friend, Kathy.  Her favorite color combination is blue, white, and yellow....mine, too!  We're in the living room at the games table.  Come on in and join us...

I've always been fond of Jacobean floral prints.  I found this polished chintz tablecloth on eBay.  I think it was made for celebrating, don't you?!

 Mixing and matching this tablescape was so much fun.  Let's take a look at the elements...For starters, the AJKA King Louis cobalt goblet and the Tiffin Elyse wine added that extra little jewel-like sparkle to the landscape.

A feature player in so many of my productions, the Mottadeheh Blue Lace charger never fails to please.  Today it is flanked by the L'Argent Sophia Gold flatware.  I found mine at Tuesday Morning and on Horchow.  Tip:  This is a pretty inexpensive flatware, and I always wash it by hand and never allow it to soak in the dish water.  The rule of thumb is: if flatware is two piece construction, never allow it to soak because eventually the soaking will undermine the adhesive that holds your pieces together.  You'll end up with a drawer full of parts.  Now who would want that?  Not I.   
The leading role was carried by the Mottahedeh Blue Canton dinner plate.  This one was on my "someday" list.  I absolutely don't "need" it...I drove through Need about 175 miles ago.  This one is a definite self indulgence. Side note:  Marlis of Creative Journeys told me that there really is a Need, Texas not too very far from where she lives in Lubbock, Texas.  Who knew?!

The first course was a tomato basil soup.  I bought this unmarked bowl and under plate at an estate sale.  It had belonged to a precious couple, two of Sweet Mister's mom's closest friends.   When we were first engaged to be married, they made me feel like I belonged.  They were always so kind and loving to me.  I adore having something of theirs in my collection.  I think of them every time I use it.

So...have a seat, grab your Williams-Sonoma navy linen hem-stitched napkin, and remove the Coalport Countryware napkin ring.   

One of the reasons I like to use tureens in my centerpieces is they never break the 12-inches high rule.  I always try to make sure that my guests can see each other across the table.  After all, it's not just about the food.  Fellowship, relationship, and lots of visiting and laughter are the name of the game at my tables!
The quartet of petite bouquets are placed in small white footed jardinieres.  The jardinieres originally held Seda France candles.  I burn the candles as fast and as often as possible to build my collection of these wonderful little vases.

Ooooh, the curtain is about to rise.  Three acts today...the soup, followed by chicken tetrazzini, green salad, and hot garlic bread, and the final act...Italian Cream Cake.  Now you may ask, "Does she serve the same things all the time?"  Pretty much.  I just change my audience all the time, not my menu.

Well, this one may have to hold my passion for tablescaping for a while.  I'm going to miss entertaining, and I'm going to miss you all, too.  I'll be back as soon as possible. When I do return, I still hope that one of you will come my way one day and allow me to set a table just for you!  I'll invite some of my dear friends to join us.  You all are going to love each other!  In the meantime...Until we meet again...To Be Continued.

This week I'm joining:

It seems like it's only been moments that I've been back blogging and communicating with all of you.  I think that's why it seems so unreal that I must tell you all that I find myself preparing for a...

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