Wednesday, September 1, 2021

Tale of the Traveling Totes Episode #28 and a Giveaway


The Tales of the Traveling Totes is a quarterly link party that chronicles the travels and activities of ten women who live all across the United States. Our purpose is to learn how much of the world can 10 average women, carrying the same MacKenzie-Childs Courtly Check Tote, see. You can read tales about our adventures on March 1st, June 1st, September 1, and December 1st. I am thrilled to participate with this amazing group of women. At the end of my post, you'll find links to join the other toters and read what they've been doing this quarter.

The third quarter of 2021, has found  Miss Carrie Ann Hall and me right here at home for the entire quarter. I figure if I can't travel, I can certainly take the opportunity to invite as many of my friends as possible to gather around my tables and share, good food, great fun, and cherished fellowship. I've saved a chair for you at each of my luncheons. Come on in; the parties are about to get started...

I was asked to host our city's Bar Auxillary for their final Spring luncheon. Their meeting took place on the back porch. Hydrangea trees in a pair of my cobalt pots paired well with the MacKenzie-Childs Royal Check enamelware.

The following week, the Hydrangea trees were recalled to serve as the centerpieces for my Garden Friends Spring luncheon. Today we dined on the Herend Queen Victoria atop the Mottahedeh Blue Lace Charger. The Michael Weems green goblets and Baccarat Provence goblets were a nice blend in the place setting.

Ever the watchful hostess, Carrie Ann reclined beneath her MacKenzie-Childs floral bumpershoot. What a champion of hospitality she is!

Next up was a Bridal Shower for my friend Kathy's granddaughter. The table was anchored by the Mottahedeh Musée Decoratif white tureen, one of my favorite tureens. The Kim Seybert beaded table runner and Baccarat Butterflies added a wonderful combination of delightful colors for my table.

The MacKenzie-Childs Cheese Course was perfect for the Brie "Deli" Cheese, located in the living room on the games table.

Garlands of flowers welcomed our guests and also created a photo op. The bride and her friends had a great time taking pics of each other. Carrie Ann and I helped out for their group shots. 

The following week, two friends joined me for a quiet luncheon. I used my favorite Luneville pattern with a trio of Luneville Jardinieres holding hydrangeas from my garden.

Sweet Mister's Men's Dinner Club held their June meeting at our house. As you can guess, the menu was Mexican food. I set their tables with La Gadeaux Melamine dinner plates atop Caspari rattan chargers. They voted to have all their future meetings at our house. Sweet Mister said, "Probably not."

June also found a group of my lifetime high school friends gathering to celebrate a birthday. We laughed and visited the afternoon away. I chose to use the Luneville again, this time set atop the Bormioli hot pink glass charger. The wine is a pink Murano; the water is the Baccarat Provence 

Independence Day found the back porch table set with the Blue Liberty Hall dinner plates atop a red charger. A pair of Uncle Sam Santas rode in the rear of the red, white, and blue pickup trucks with Old Faithful flying...all ready for the parade. The centerpiece is the 
MacKenzie-Childs Royal Check large casserole. It's about the size of a large tureen. Works great. 

Late July found a small group of friends gathering to celebrate a birthday. Today I had fun using the Mottahedeh Magnolia.The pair of spill vases flanking the Magnolia tureen are also Mottahedeh.  It was a wonderful luncheon with cherished friends. 

By August, I needed a Garden Friends 'fix.' Our Bible study doesn't meet during the summer because a number of us spend a great deal of time out of state. The rest of us get together anytime we want. Today was one of those days. It also turned out that we were able to celebrate one of our summer birthday girls. Miss Carrie Ann Hall volunteered to be in charge of the appetizers. Here she is calling all the ladies to give the 'Gone in 60 Seconds' dip a try.

She also had a lot to say about how the tablescape was going to be designed. That's okay. She has impeccable taste.

The birthday girl loves turquoise/aqua and pink. We try to please. The dinner plate is by Minton. The crystal includes the Waterford Simply Pink, paired with the Edinburgh King James. The tureen is by Mottahedeh.

The Baccarat butterflies and the MacKenzie-Childs Pedestal Cakes added to the Spring colors and the'Flutterby' birthday party atmosphere. Such fun! 

Last week I loved gathering two friends to celebrate one more birthday party for another precious friend. I used two of my tulipieres to showcase some wonderful roses. The dinner plates are Spode Maritime Rose. We got up from the table at 4:00 p.m. A wonderful way to spend a blazing hot summer day.

I may not have left town, but I can honestly say that this quarter found me definitely on the go! I had a blast. I never take those of you who take your time to read my posts for granted. I appreciate you so much. Thank you!!! Remember that we have a giveaway, and this time I am your host. Be sure to stop by to visit and comment on the posts from all the ladies of The Traveling Totes. You'll automatically be entered to win our giveaway, a darling MacKenzie-Childs gift when you visit me and leave a comment.

Debbie with Miss Aurora @ Mountain Breaths 

Emily with Miss Courtney ChildsThe French Hutch

 Patti with Miss Kenzie @ Pandora's Box

Jenna with Miss Coquille @The Painted Apron

Linda P with Miss Lola @ Life and Linda

Rita with Miss Luna C Panoply 

Sarah with Miss Merri Mac @ Hyacinths for the Soul

Jackie and Miss Madi K @ Purple Chocolat Home

Ricki Jill and Countess De Monet @ The Sketchy Reader@

CherryKay and Carrie Ann Hall @ Entertaining Women

The Tales of the Traveling Totes will return for the fourth quarter on December 1st. We hope you'll come back again and see what our Traveling Totes have been up to on their adventures!


The Tales of the Traveling Totes is a quarterly link party that chronicles the travels and activities of ten women who live all across the United States. Our purpose is to learn how much of the worl...

Monday, March 1, 2021

Tales of the Traveling Totes #26, Blizzard on the Prairie, February, '21 & A Giveaway

Welcome to the 
Tales of the Traveling Totes, where my fellow travelers and I share our latest adventures, projects, and current events. At the end of my post you will find links to visit our other members and learn about how to register for our giveaway. I'm so glad you've stopped for a visit.
This winter has been a wild ride out here on the prairie, and I never had much of a chance to even leave the house. We experienced a 100 year winter storm, and sharing a glass of wine and some cheese from the MacKenzie-Childs Cheese Course in front of the fireplace, felt like a wonderful way to celebrate Valentines. We were pretty much snow and ice bound for a full two weeks. Wind chill temps plunged to a zesty -36°.
Eventually the ice melted, and in last week we experienced temps in the 60's and 70's. Even my pansies have begun to perk up again. I grabbed the opportunity to set a table for "Dine and Dash" after our Garden Friends Bible study. I was so ready to use one of my blue and white patterns. I selected the Mottahedeh Blue Canton on the Mottahedeh Blue Lace charger. The Mottahedeh Blue Canton candle sticks are fun to line up down the center of the table. The big fat blue and white round bowl was an estate sale find. I don't know anything about it, and I really enjoy using it. The crystal came straight from the kitchen cabinets. The Mikasa French Country paired nicely with the cobalt Dollar Tree goblets. 

 We met on the screened porch where it is easy to practice social distancing. The antique English pine harvest table (which has been in our warehouse since 1997) is home again, and it was the perfect spot for us to spread out for an easy lunch of quiche and fresh fruit. Some of the ladies needed to move along, and a group of us stayed to visit the afternoon away. We've all had both of our vaccine shots for several weeks, and it was so nice to be able to gather in a safe environment for fellowship. We are all excited to see our lives returning to normal, or at least more normal. I was even able to go to church and Sunday School again this month. So interesting when the ability to move, from a spot in front of the fireplace inside to the screened porch, feels almost as exciting as a cruise. Here's hoping that Spring and Summer present more opportunities to enjoy a trip or adventure.

I never take those of you who take your time to read my posts for granted. I appreciate you so much. Thank you!!! Be sure to stop by to visit and comment on the posts from all the ladies of The Traveling Totes. You'll automatically be entered to win our giveaway, a darling MadKenzie-Childs tea towel when you visit Jackie and Miss Madi K. @ Purple Chocolate Home. Good luck!!!

Debbie with Miss Aurora @ Mountain Breaths 

Emily with Miss Courtney ChildsThe French Hutch

 Patti with Miss Kenzie @ Pandora's Box

Jenna with Miss Coquille @The Painted Apron

Linda P with Miss Lola @ Life and Linda

Rita with Miss Luna C Panoply 

Sarah with Miss Merri Mac @ Hyacinths for the Soul

Jackie and Miss Madi K @ Purple Chocolat Home

Ricki Jill and Countess De Monet @ The Sketchy Reader@

CherryKay and Carrie Ann Hall @ Entertaining Women 

We'll return on June 1st to share our Spring adventures.and we hope to find you here again !

Welcome to the Tales of the Traveling Totes, where my fellow travelers and I share our latest adventures, projects, and current events. At the end of my post you will find links to visit our other me...

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