Monday, August 30, 2010
I've just discovered The Blog Guide Book. Have you heard about it? I'm excited about the prospect of a valuable tool to connect with creative and talented bloggers around the world. It is indeed,...
I'm linking for the first time to "Blue Monday" sponsored by
Thank you Sally for the opportunity to immerse myself in my favorite color, blue! Click here to hop on over and join other bloggers who are participating in this wonderful meme.
Most Sunday evenings, you will find Sweet Mr. and me enjoying 'Breakfast for Dinner. It's one of my favorite meal choices. We tend to like the traditional fare...fried eggs, crisp bacon, toast or...
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
I shall always come back to blue. I love so many different hues and shades of color, and I mix and match them with abandon. Yet, time and again, I find myself returning to tones of blue, for dress...
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
The bamboo handled flatware was a great find at Big Lots. Janet, the birthday girl, and I each bought 24 placesettings. We thought that they would be fun for large gatherings, and we agreed to 'co-op' them. They were less than $1.00 per piece...great 'get.' The tiny individual salt and peppers are Mackenzie-Childs. I collect them one pair at a time; they're a bit expensive. The conical blue wine goblet is by Dorothy Thorpe. She was a California artist, and she was popular beginning in the 1930's and on into the 1950's. If you are fan of the television series, "Mad Men," you might see her products used in episodes involving cocktails and entertaining. These goblets belonged to our Nana. The Lalique Crystal tumblers with the palm fronds, so very Art Deco, also came from Nana. Also from Nana's linen closet, so many years ago, the vintage monogrammed damask dinner napkins added a crisp, clean line to the design. I wrapped each napkin with a lacy green ribbon, simply adhered into a ring using double-sided tape on the under side. My birthday gift for Janet was also wrapped using the same ribbon.
In addition to the Mackenzie-Childs, "Courtly Check," I sandwiched a Royal Doulton, "Harlow" dinner plate under a smaller 10" white dinner plate. Entertaining Tip: I pick up these 10" dinner plates with a simple gold rim from antique stores and estate sales. The ones that I have found thus far are made by "Johnson Brothers, Haviland (France), Limoges from Bassett, Austria, and RK - Austria. They are available very inexpensively, and any design or size differences are negligible. I usually find a stack of them, and I buy them all. They come in handy for large groups in a buffet situation and when I want a plate with minimal decoration. You'll notice that I started out my design with the Haviland "Ranson" cream soup and underplate. That's the matching bone dish, top left, that I used as a bread plate. When Cindy brought her lovely chillers, I switched out the soups. Flexibility is often the key to a successful tablescape design. You'll also notice that at this point, I was considering the matching Dorothy Thorpe tumblers to go with the conical wine goblet. They eventually stepped aside to make way for the clear and textured Lalique.
My guests have arrived, and lunch is ready to put on the table. Some day, I'd love to have you at my table, too! Let's party!
Thank you, yet again, to Susan at Between Naps on the Porch for hosting her magical meme, "Tablescape Thursday. I'll be linking my post to "Tablescape Thursday. Click on the button below to hop on over and check out the myriad of marvelous tablescape designs, after 9:00 pm on Wednesdays. You'll be glad that you made the's a wonderful adventure.

Whether a party is for four or twenty-four, I think that it's worth the time and effort that it takes to let my guests know that they are more valuable to me than the finest jewels. Today, the part...
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
I am linking this post to "Centerpiece Wednesdays" at
Thanks to The Style Sisters for hosting the party. Hop on over and see all the great ideas!

A number of blog friends have commented that it would be nice to know more about the 'peg nappies' that I enjoy using in flower arrangements for some of my tablescapes. So here's a brief introducti...
Thursday, August 12, 2010
I want to offer a sincere and enthusiastic "Thank you!" to Susan at Between Naps on the Porch for hosting "Tablescape Thursday." I am linking to TT, and I hope that you will check out all the contributions to this marvelous many great ideas!
I am always elated when my girls, my precious daughter and my dear daughter-in-love, use their many skills to entertain their friends and families. Recently, KC, my daughter, hosted a lovely tea pa...
Sunday, August 8, 2010
I am linking my post to Outdoor Wednesday...with a twist. The Bavinger House by Bruce Goff takes 'bringing the outside in' to a new level...and it was built in the 1950's. I hope that you enjoy it...
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Hello, I'm Cherry Kay

I love to paint, work in clay, rubber stamping, design tablescapes, entertain, and share ideas. I'm an interior designer credentials
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