Thursday, December 31, 2015

A Christmas Two - Fer

So...a few days have past (remember I'm still sharing my 2014 Christmas tablescapes) since the Simply Plaid dinner party, and I'm now set up for a small luncheon for a handful of my dearest friends.  We'll be dining in the living room at the games table.  Several more days will pass, and I'll repeat this same tablescape design, with a few changes just for fun, for another small luncheon for some of my dearest friends.  Now you understand why I am calling this post "A Christmas Two Fer..."Two Fer the Price of One".  Come on in and join us.  I'll pull up an extra chair and put an extra place setting on the table.

The tree is trimmed, and the table is decked in a wonderful plaid taffeta tablecloth, an eBay find.

 We'll begin our luncheon with a wonderful Squash Bisque...

 ...served in the Glastonbury-Lotus gold rimmed footed chiller...

 ...seated nicely on one of Nana's antique crystal accent plates with the glorious green trim.

Anchoring the setting is the Anna Weatherly Blue charger plate.

Nana's antique damask napkin is held in one of my mama's Christmas basket napkin rings.  The gold tone flatware was a great get at a Dallas estate sale.  The funky little piece placed to keep the dinner plate from shifting around on the charger plate?...While at physical therapy for my knee, I noticed my therapist visiting with an older woman who appeared to be down-trodden.  When I inquired, my therapist told me that she was homeless and lived in a shelter.  She crocheted potholders to try and earn her own way as much as possible.  I was overwhelmed by her determination to make her own way.  I ended up ordering potholders for each of my friends and as stocking stuffers for my family.  Today they were put to good use on my table and then went home with my guests.

The dinner plate is Royal Worcester Regency... 

...Nana's plate will return for dessert.

Beverages were served in the Waterford Simply Red and the AJKA Xenia goblets.

You saw the AJKA Green pedestal bowl used in my post, Renaissance

My guests' Christmas gifts were gathered around the centerpiece.

This made me happy.

Let the party begin.

It's now several days later, and I've tweaked my design in just a couple of ways.  Can you find the differences?

Do you ever play that game at the back of people magazine...the one where they have made maybe 10 slight changes to a photograph, and you're supposed to find them.  I'm a sucker for the game, and I have to admit...I'm not awful at it.

Another party down.  Christmas, 2014 is drawing closer.  I'll try to add another one tomorrow.  Are you ready for New Year's Eve?

This week I'm joining:
Tablescape Thursday with Susan @ Between Naps on the Porch

So...a few days have past (remember I'm still sharing my 2014 Christmas tablescapes) since the Simply Plaid dinner party, and I'm now set up for a small luncheon for a handful of my dearest friends....

Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Simply Plaid for Christmas

Two days after the Garden Friends luncheon, Sweet Mister invited some of his friends to join us for a Christmas dinner party.  Tonight I set a table for 12.  This party was male centric, so that determined the tone for my design.  We're in the dining room again.  Come on in and join us. I plan on making this one short and least that's my plan so far...Hey!  It could happen.  What's that?  Fat chance?  Now just a minute...or two...or ten!

 Since this one was for a majority of men, I figured most of them would never notice that I left my apple green glitzy stuff in the chandelier and on the buffet while going with a more traditional green and red palate for the table.

 The Williams Sonoma Classic Red Tartan tablecloth made me happy on numerous levels.  A.  I adore plaids.  B.  Pulling centerpiece elements for this cloth was a breeze...I was going for masculine, English, traditional, and on hand in my closets.

 A quick rundown of the place setting...An inexpensive Hobby Lobby black acrylic charger plate, held the Wedgwood Queensware Plain dinner plate.  Queensware Plain is another dishwasher safe dinner plate, so yay for me.  Keeping it simple I topped the plates with a Pier One homespun green napkin, a true wash and wear napkin.  The flatware is L'Argent Sophia Gold.  I just liked that little punch of a yellow/cream tone.
 Stemware for this evening:  The Lenox Holliday Gem red goblet and the Viking or Colonial (can't remember...I've had them since the early 70's) green goblet.  Another dishwasher safe pairing.
An assortment of 3 antique English containers became the inspiration for the centerpiece.  Years ago, Sweet Mister brought me the oak and copper wine pitcher from  Mill House Antiques in Woodbury, Connecticut.  Go there if you ever have the opportunity!  The short copper pitcher was a gift from a friend, and the oak and copper bowl was an inexpensive eBay find.  Combined with my collection of Barley Twist candlesticks and randomly placed Hobby Lobby greenery picks, the centerpiece came together quickly and with minimal effort...truly a collected tabletop.

 Those glass raspberries made another appearance this week.  Thank you , Target

 I served Chicken Tetrazinni...

 ...a simple green salad...

 ...dinner rolls,  and Brandy Ice for dessert.  Comfort food for a comfort-filled evening with friends.

Wow!  I just love plaid.  How about you?  This one's ready to roll.  Now it's on to my next event.

This week I'm joining:

Worthwhile Wednesdays #103 with Craftie Allie



Two days after the Garden Friends luncheon, Sweet Mister invited some of his friends to join us for a Christmas dinner party.  Tonight I set a table for 12.  This party was male centric, so that dete...

Monday, December 28, 2015


It's been so very long, but here I sit with my new computer...a pocket of time...and so many things and tablescapes to share with you.  I've longed to join my circle of blogging friends for just about a year, and I'm thrilled to renew our friendships.  I've missed staying up with you.  So many of  you have touched base periodically, and you can't imagine how your notes have encouraged me.  Our little family is doing well, and we've enjoyed pretty much a normal and traditional Christmas this year.  I've decided that I'll try to begin again where I left off...Christmas of 2014.  If you have followed me you will remember that I had my first knee replacement on October 27, 2014.  KC and David were so generous to host us for Thanksgiving that year, and indeed, her beautiful tablescape was my last post for quite a while.  Although I was hobbled with a walker and then a cane, and I definitely didn't have the agility or stamina to do much at all, I did have a secret weapon...Cindy, my home care giver and I became friends, and she came back to help make sure that I was able to get Christmas decorations displayed and tables cape designs assembled for a variety of entertaining opportunities that I was determined would indeed take place.  And take place they did!  First up:  a Christmas luncheon for my dear Garden Friends, my Bible study group of about 30 years.  Come on in, we're in the dining room...

Traditional colors set the mood for our luncheon...

 Now, I still wasn't allowed to drive when I designed this table, so motoring to the market for fresh flowers was definitely not an option.  My storage closests yielded an assortment of ruby glass bells and hurricanes, a pair of AJKA green crystal pedestal bowls holding glass raspberries.  and one of my tureens...

 ...the Copeland Spode Camilla Pink tureen.

 My anchor...a 50⍧ acrylic charger from WalMart

 An additional charger, just because I could, the Maryland China Company "Minuet" charger.  Check out their website.  They sell mostly to china painters, and their "blanks" are superbly priced.  They also offer pretty nice price breaks for quantities that we could consider purchasing.

 Just because I couldn't blog didn't mean that I couldn't continue to collect.  Offered at very good prices from Replacements,  I've grown quite fond of the Johnson Brothers, "Great Britain Pink Castles Christmas dinner plate.  I chose to buy it with a plain white center because I knew that I could use it beyond the Christmas season.

 I picked up the coordinating luncheon plate with the Christmas tree for when I wanted to make it scream Christmas.  Tidbit:  These puppies are dishwasher safe, and my family is now eternally grateful that I bought them.  Silly family...they think that I'm going to use them every time.

 Do we still do the close up of the stack?  I'm sure that I'll learn that now that I'll be able to peruse more of your blogs.

It's been a year, but I'm fairly certain that it was the Williams Sonoma Holly Damask that was my inspiration for this table. The sterling flatware is Reed & Barton Grande Renaissance.  The Madeira napkins were an estate sale find....very inexpensive!

 Thought you might enjoy seeing the drop of the tablecloth.  I really like this piece!

 For most of the last year, there were times that I was pretty certain that I was going to spend the rest of my life in physical therapy...more on that later.  Anyway, I made certain to always have my trusty iPad or iPhone with me, and during the incessant time spent icing (not was a life saver on many occasions), I completed my collections of AJKA Arabella goblets and Waterford Simply goblets through eBay.

This luncheon for 10 turned out to be the first of 6 opportunities to entertain during the Christmas holidays!  I'm going to try to post the additional parties as quickly as possible.  I'm going to lean heavily on the knowledge that there are really 12 Days of Christmas...after all I have two years worth of tablescapes to share with you.  Hang's going to be a holly good ride!  I've added some more posts this week for Christmas, 2014.  If you're interested, check out:  Christmas Two Fer and Simply Plaid for Christmas

This week I'm joining:
Inspire Me Tuesday #298 @ A Stroll Through Life

Foodie Friday & Everything Else @ Rattlebridge Farm

The Scoop #203 with Debbi @ Confessions of a Plate Addict

Susan @ Between Naps on the Porch for Tablescape Thursday

I am so out of touch that I'm not certain who is hosting memes, old or new.  If you host a meme, or know of one that will be appropriate for Entertaining Women's content, please, let me know in a comment?!  Thanks for helping me.

It's been so very long, but here I sit with my new computer...a pocket of time...and so many things and tablescapes to share with you.  I've longed to join my circle of blogging friends for just abou...

Thursday, June 25, 2015

Follow Up to Prayer Request

I must look like such a malingerer. While KC was in the hospital, I began to have problems walking. I began  losing my balance and falling into doors, walls, and furniture. I thought that I must be failing knee replacement rehabilitation, but learned that my back is the culprit. Evidently I have scoliosis, previously undiagnosed, and several crushed and compressed discs that were causing my muscles to be unable to function properly. I've been in pretty intensive physical therapy since the end of April. Prayerfully I won't have to undergo back surgery. Add to that the irritating situation of my computer not running properly, and being unable to go to the Apple store in the mall to get help...I've been incredibly frustrated that I've been unable to publish anything with photos on my blog. I'm currently "limping" along on my iPad. 

KC and Hollis are home safely now, and they were allowed to take him out of the house for the first time this weekend...just in time for Fathers Day. He's doing well and beginning to gain weight. He's such a good baby boy! I can hardly wait to share pictures of him with everyone. 

I've been thrilled to be able to hold him and feed him, although I'm not yet able to stand and walk with him in my arms. My balance is still too compromised to take a risk. I'll get there at some point, I'm certain. 

Thank you so much for your prayers. They were definitely answered!  I appreciate hearing from you. I hope that I'll be able to carry my computer to get some help from the Apple Store before too long. I really miss my blogging friends!  Warmly, Cherry Kay 

I must look like such a malingerer. While KC was in the hospital, I began to have problems walking. I began  losing my balance and falling into doors, walls, and furniture. I thought that I must be...

Friday, April 17, 2015


"First things first...We are truly blessed to have the means to set a pretty table and invite our friends to join us for good food and fellowship. I am mindful that many are not so fortunate. My daughter has a passion for the work of the Food Bank. As a singer-songwriter, she has written and recorded a song that is the anthem for the world wide Crop Hunger Walk project. Her song, "Raise Your Voice" is featured in their video. I've included a link in the side margin of my blog. I hope that during this harvest season, it will encourage you to support projects in your community that contribute to the effort to overcome hunger.

Hello, my dear blogger friends!  It's been such a long time.  Since I last posted, I've had two knee replacements.  I've spent most of the last six months in physical therapy, and I have at least a couple of more months of therapy to go.  It's a long process after more than five decades of living with horrible knees.  I need to relearn so many things, and I'm thrilled for the opportunity to learn to walk normally after so many years.  I'm still working on my computer which has been rebelling when I try to load pictures for my blog.  I'm happy right now that it's letting me post at all.  But enough about my medical issues and computer woes...I have a huge request to ask of all of you.

My precious daughter KC (the lovely pic that lives in the upper right hand corner of my blog page) is expecting a baby boy, Hollis Harper.  He was originally due on June 10, but the situation has changed drastically.  I'm going to include a Facebook posting that KC published several days ago.  It will explain the situation:

  We are in desperate need of prayers for our son, Hollis Harper. They discovered a complication that is very, very, serious. It's called Vasa Previa. On Friday I will be admitted to the hospital.
The simple version of Vasa Previa is that fetal blood vessels are now embedded across my cervix. If my cervix were to dilate, those vessels would rupture and the baby would bleed out in minutes because he's so little and frankly, doesn't have much blood. What we now painfully, heartbreakingly understand is this: even when I'm in the hospital, if the vessels were to rupture, the doctors would likely not be able to save Hollis in time.
I'm 32 weeks along today. I asked yesterday why they aren't just taking him now? My doctor said that medicine is all about measuring risk/benefit. At this point, the risk to Hollis of brain bleed, severe GI and lung issues due to premature birth is apparently greater than my risk of dilating and imminent danger to Hollis. He benefits greatly from every day he stays in my belly. From Friday's ultrasound we know my cervix is long and closed. That's a good thing. We need everyone's prayers that it stays that way.
The hope is that we can make it safely to 35 weeks- Tuesday May 5th. Today I will have my first of 2 steroid shots to boost Hollis' lungs and help them grow faster. While in the hospital, the high risk team will monitor me for contractions or any signs of early labor. They will continue to weigh Hollis' risks and benefits and the plan will change accordingly. 
Please join us in picturing our healthy, beautiful miracle son Hollis safely coming home with us. Please pray for peace, courage, and hope to surround us at every turn. I don't know how to not greet every waking moment with fear. Pray that the doctors would have wisdom and would act in time if the risk of bleeding increases. Pray that my cervix stays as securely closed up as Fort Knox. Pray for no dilation or labor whatsoever. Pray for these last couple days I have at home with sweet Bea before her Mama goes away for 3-4 weeks and then returns with a new baby.
We have no objections if you feel inclined to ask others to pray too. Light a candle. Put Hollis on your church's prayer list. Send an email to your praying friends. Please just pray, pray, pray.
I know some of you don't consider yourselves religious and prayer isn't your thing. That's okay with us, we love you and we need you too. We don't care what you call it, please send love, light, energy, mojo, juju or vibes. All the goodness you can muster.
The response to the prayer request has been overwhelming in its size and with the love that it has exhibited.  There are precious people praying for KC and Hollis all across our nation and across the world.  My request is that you would join us in lifting up KC and baby Hollis in your prayers.  Feel free to share KC's story with others who would also be willing to pray.  If you wish to search for her on Facebook, enter KC Clifford.  Share on your own page, please, if that is appropriate for you.  
The night that KC first posted her story, there were hundreds of responses and a large number also shared her story on their own Facebook pages.  As of today she is admitted to the hospital and is being closely monitored by the high risk pregnancy experts.  She had posted the following updates since her first post:
David and I don't have adequate words to explain the love you all poured out to us today. We are in awe of the response, and we can FEEL the love and prayers in tangible ways. Thank you for rallying around us, for carrying us when we aren't sure we can stand in the storm. Heaps of gratitude. For real. We've never experienced anything like this day, and so many of you, even strangers, are reaching out to us and sharing my post asking for prayer. Your kindness and generosity of spirit are humbling. It's everything you hope to receive from fellow humans when you're in your most vulnerable place. Thank you.
I want you all to know that we are choosing hope. I spent part of my day preparing Hollis's nursery, picturing the day I will bring him home to the sweet refuge of our family. I spent the other part savoring time with our precious daughter Beatrice, a miracle baby all her own.
I also want you to know that Hollis is a fighter and has long been fought-for. Conceiving children has not come easy for us. After four failed fertility treatments in the past year, God through the miracle of medicine and IVF, gifted us with a son. Hollis is the result of years spent hoping, praying, and believing our dream of a second child would come to pass. We are not giving up hope now. We are choosing to believe that we will see this through and bring our precious Hollis home to thrive and grow into the boy he is meant to be. Thank you for your prayers, and please keep them coming!

And tonight:
This morning's ultrasound confirmed the diagnosis of Vasa Previa, and I am settled in at the hospital. Hollis looks great! At one point, he had his little hands up by his face like he was ready for a fight, which I took as a fantastic sign wink emoticon My cervix remains long and closed, which is also good news! The high risk doctors came into the ultrasound to see everything for themselves and they were kind of geeking out over what they saw. Admittedly that part of my day was a bit surreal. My OBGYN joked that you never want to be "interesting" in the world of medicine. Evidently it's too late for that.
Many people locally (and from afar!) have offered to help us during this time. We are humbled by the response and kindness. Our generous friends are setting up a care calendar for meals and such. I should be able to share the link and login info for that by tomorrow.
In the meantime, David and I welcome your continued prayers and positive thoughts! You cannot begin to know how much the outpouring of support has held us up this week. Thank you all so much!

So now I hope that you have an adequate picture of why I covet your prayers.  I know that I've been away so long that a number of blogger may have given up searching for me.  If you can direct bloggers my direction, it would be greatly appreciated.  Thanks to the many of you who have stopped to make contact with me over the last number of months.  I look forward to the day that I'll be posting again.  With a humble heart, Cherry Kay

"First things first...We are truly blessed to have the means to set a pretty table and invite our friends to join us for good food and fellowship. I am mindful that many are not so fortunate. My dau...

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